In the face of today's fertilizer market,we often heard the sounds like this:The market is downturn this year,The market slow to start,any methods have been used, but still can not see the effect,Mentally exhausted
Today's fertilizer industry has already started to deeply feel the threat from the market.
So how to breakthrough the bottleneck of industry,the difference in management has gradually become the main melody of fertilizer industry, granular water soluble fertilizer as the name suggests, granular water soluble fertilizer, It has break through the history of the conventional powder state water soluble fertilizer, open the blue ocean market of the water soluble fertilizer.
But if you think the appearence is the only difference with other water soluble fertilizer,It would be wrong,This is the point that we have talked today.
At first about the ingredient in the fertilizer, the common powder state water soluble fertilizer, only contains the macroelement(general NPK content is very high) and Medium micro element. But Cocoly is not only contains the nutritions like common powder state water soluble fertilizer,but also contains biological components(Fulvic acid) and liquid components (Molasses fermention solubles.Amino acid) ect, these ingredients is the powder state water soluble fertilizer can not added.But they are important elements for improve the soil structure .improve the absorption of the rooting system,This is also the most lack of nutritions of the soil.
The second is the application method,The powder water soluble fertilizer is various grades and ranks,homogeneity serious,it’s easy to moisture, inconvenience to use.But the cocoly granular water soluble fertilizer can solve this problem, fully soluble with no residue,It suits broadcast fertilization, hole fertilization, sprinkling irrigation, drip irrigation, and there is a string bag in every bag of cocoly, you can put the granular into the string bag, flushing with water or spray application after dissolved in advance, 100% soluble within 3 minutes, It is suitable for any irrigation methods.

Now all kinds of argument, Can not be separated of new products. Push the new. Today’s general fertilizer, is the new variety of fertilizer in the past, Today’s new variety of fertilizer, Maybe is the general fertilizer in the future. The development of the industry, is the process of the products are replacement ,It is the rule of the industry replacement.It is important to master the rules of the development of the industry, granular water soluble fertilizer era is coming.