
the joy of cocoly fertilizer----AgriGoods Herald-----special report cocoly fertilizer come into the market press conference

《農資導報》,英文AgriGoods Herald,是由中國化工報社主辦的經國家新聞出版總署批準的全國性報紙,國內外公開發行。國內統壹刊號:CN11-0145 郵發代號1-45。

<AgriGoods Herald>,Is sponsored by the China national chemical newspaper office approved by the state general administration of press and publication of a national newspaper,it is published both at home and abroad.Domestic unified serial number: CN11-0145 emailed code 1-45.


<AgriGoods Herald> 5---special report
cocoly fertilizer come into the market press conference,

which is divided into “four items innovation,Does not take unusual way ”,”what is the
cocoly fertilizer in the customer’s heart”,”make the like-minded people to get rich.”

